Workplace Safety And Health (WSH) Committee


The WSH Committee was setup to deals and promote workplace safety and health matters, in particular, in regard to the architectural profession in the construction industry context, and with a focus on design-for-safety (“DfS”). 

A key topic for SIA in WSH is ‘design-for-safety’ (“DfS”, aka ‘safety-through-design’). In 2012 SIA joined IES, ACES, REDAS, SCAL, SIB, SISV & SPM as a join signatory to the CIJC:Pledge for DfS, as a public commitment to the promotion of DfS in the construction industry. The DfS objectives for the committee are as follows;

  • To advise SIA Academy in it’s organisation of the Design for Safety Professionals (DfSP) Course  and (for which SIA is an accredited trainer under MOM/ WSH Council) and Design for Safety Appreciation (DfSA) Course
  • To continuously promote design for safety and health as part of the Architect’s competency in architectural design
  • To promote Architects as industry leaders with regard to designing for safety and health in buildings.

The WSH Committee’s undertakes active participation in the Design-for-Safety Sub-Committee to the WSH (Construction & Landscape) Committee under the WSH Council.  The Committee work closely and provides constructive feedback to WSH Council in promoting the adoption of acceptable practices relating to design for safety, health and welfare at work.

Click the following to learn more on DfS Professionals Course and Design for Safety Appreciation (DfSA) Course

Chairman:                   Darren Benger