About CPD

Over the last few years, the CPD programme has been implemented and introduced to SIA members on a voluntary basis. However, to respond to one of the Construction 21 recommendations and with the directive from the Ministry of National Development to make CPD compulsory as a pre-requisite for renewing the practicing certificate in the year 2003, BOA has assigned SIA the role of the Managing Agent to implement the CPD activities.

Objective of CPD Programme

  • To enable the architects to update and acquire knowledge and skills to stay relevant
  • To assist architects in maintaining their competence and achieving their professional goals
  • One of the primary forces in the improvement and revitalization of the profession.

CPD Framework
The CPD Framework describes the entire structure and accreditation process. BOA-SIA CPD Service Providers which include the various tertiary institutions, professional and allied institutions, Government Agencies, individual professionals etc. are required to submit their proposed courses or seminars to SIA (Managing Agent) for evaluation.

A BOA-SIA CPD Joint Accreditation Panel Committee formed by senior members of the profession will be responsible for evaluating and accrediting the CPD Service Providers and CPD Points for events. The Committee will ensure that the courses are of relevance and currency to the profession.

There is an Audit Committee set up to audit the quality and standard of seminars and courses.