Fellow members of SIA, Two days ago, we saw the largest number of votes ever casted in an SIA election. Your participation has been overwhelming. On behalf of the new 60th SIA Council, I would like to thank everyone for your enthusiastic support. We will honour your vote of confidence, push on and serve you wholeheartedly through these unprecedented times. I have assembled a Council comprising young and senior members, from small, medium and large practices — all different in their fields of knowledge and depth of experience yet equal in their passion to serve. Together we endeavour to deliver our promise to Engage, Digitalise and Transform (EDT). ‘Engage’ refers to the immediate task of how to restart safely, and get the profession back on its feet. To ‘Digitalise’ is the way towards progress, survival and continuity. To ‘Transform’ is what we need to do, to lead the fraternity out of this storm. To emerge stronger as a profession, we need to unite as an Institute. In the coming weeks, we will be organising a series of dialogues and conversations, to engage you: our profession’s crucial stakeholder. Together, we can chart our path onward. We look forward to working with you. Stay safe and healthy. We will be in touch.
Richard Lai, SIA President 60th Council