WEBINAR: APIEx Roundtable – “The Expert Facing Cross-Examination” (3 June 2021)

Date: Thursday 03 June 2021
Time: 05:00pm – 06:40pm

Expert witnesses are masters of their own field of expertise. When giving evidence, tribunals often give considerable leeway to expert witnesses, deferring to their expertise. In an adversarial system which is part of the common law system as well as in international arbitrations, the real challenge for the Expert Witness, however, is when he or she is cross-examined. The challenge to the less prepared and the less professional, can be daunting. The type of cross-examination which the expert witness will face in any dispute resolution proceeding may be described as a ‘destructive cross-examination’ – the cross-examiner seeks to undermine the expert’s evidence in order to advance his or her client’s case. This Roundtable features experts who have faced such cross-examination and also an aspiring expert who will share her concerns as an aspiring expert witness. Additionally, a Senior Counsel will share his thoughts on the cross-examination of experts.

Experts, and all those who are involved in the business of dispute resolution where expert testimony is frequently required, should attend this Roundtable.

This event will be held as a webinar on Zoom.

 05:00 – 05:05pm

Opening and Brief Remarks about Cross-examination
Prof Leslie Chew SC – President, Asia Pacific Institute of Experts; Dean, School of Law at the Singapore University of Social Sciences; Senior Consultant, RHT Law Asia LLP, Singapore 
05.05 – 05.55pm

Roundtable Topics: 
  • Preparation for Cross
  • In the box
  • Other Pointers
  • Preparing for the first appointment (concerns and challenges)
  • Prof Leslie Chew SC
Presentation by Experts:
  • Ms. Kim Chua – Metallurgist, Brookes Bell LLP
  • Mr. Jonathan Ellis – Managing Director, Secretariat International
  • Ar. Catherine Loke – Partner, Lander Loke Architects; Adjunct Associate Professor, National University of Singapore and Council Member, Singapore Institute of Architects
  • Dr. Tan Teng Hooi – Assoc Prof and the Head of the Building and Project Management Programme, School of Science and Technology, Singapore University of Social Sciences
  • Mr. Gregory Vijayendran SC – Partner, Dispute Resolution, Rajah & Tan LLP; President, Law Society of Singapore

05.55 – 06.35pm

Roundtable Discussion and Q&A Session moderated by Prof. Leslie Chew SC

06.35 – 06.40pm

Closing Remarks