Step 1: Registration (Closed)
Participants must register for the Challenge via the Registration Form. Registration for the Challenge represents acceptance of all Terms and Conditions of the Challenge.
Participants will receive a response ID upon successful registration. The response ID is required for the submission. All entries should only indicate the last 6 digits of the response ID provided upon registration.
Step 2: Submission (Closes 22 July 2024, 1200hrs)
Participants are required to submit the following files via the Submission Form:
- One A0 panel
- A4 write-up (up to 4 pages)
Participant will receive an acknowledgment email upon successful submission.
Participants may submit multiple entries, but the same participant will only have one submission shortlisted as a prize-winning entry, if so chosen by the Jury.
HDB reserves the right to change the Terms of this Challenge and prior notice will be given to all registered participants via their registered email address by SIA Secretariat.